Well-written. This problem, as you said, comes about when the society you are in don’t value education. In the eastern society, the opposite is true — education is paramount. Teachers were given the highest respect, even if the pay is still low. But in the east, teachers can give tuition that easily brings in 4–5x their monthly salary.
Also, you are fighting capitalism. Why? Student debt. Multiple videos in YouTube is broadcasting the issue with student debt as a potential US national crisis. The greed of man cannot be underestimated. Like you said, you are fighting the effects of the greedy extreme of capitalism: influencers. They are the ones who brags about “dropping out of school”, making millions, being more successful than their teachers, etc. They are the ones who also spreads the “uselessness" of education in the school either directly or indirectly. Of course, certain facts that were brought up doesn’t help, especially students and teachers themselves being in debt.
What you are facing is both a structural and societal problem. And of course, a political one. Good luck! I hope more school teachers will do well and return to the era where teachers were treated with respect and parents were mostly on the side of the school instead of their own child.