A very well-written article and hits the eyes of Scrum. I agree with all your points. I also noted that you have readers who tries to point out where you are wrong, but as you and me well know, they are the ones who are wrong. Scrum is short-sighted and lacks planning and proper design. The overall damage to the project and organization that implements scrum is huge and, as you rightly pointed out, hard to see in the loss of developer’s creativity process, the poor system performance, and the massive mess in code base. Not to mention that the amount of reworks. But I can understand the other readers who disagree for they 1) haven’t been a developer, or 2) they haven’t worked with truly complex and critical systems, or 3) they don’t stay in an organixation long enough to see what damage they have done to the application they manage, or to see the damage done to the developers (mainly low morale, high attrition, and long-term poor code quality).
Once again, thank you for such an accurate article!